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Craig Vos knows it will take all three pillars of Western Civilization – morality, rationalism, and empiricism – to achieve victory over the new dark age of socialist feminism. Feminists, liberals, and socialists have hijacked and now completely control the Democratic Party and international corporations. The Republican Party is currently the warfare wing of the Democratic Party and, together, form a three-way incestuous relationship: Democrats-corporations-Republicans. Nothing sold socialism in America more than feminism. Craig Vos believes that in order to save America as a representative Democracy, constitutional Republic, and free market economy, we need to save American women and men from liberal, radical, and socialist feminism. Craig Vos is one of the very few on the right who fully understands socialist feminism and its danger to Americans. His analysis of politics, government, culture, and the Feminist Media – his term for the liberal media – can be found on this website.