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The Political Matchups


Politics is an inherently controversial field. If taxation is the issue, immediately, there are at least two opposing sides. President Reagan had a nice way of calling for civility. To paraphrase, we shouldn’t see our fellow Americans as our enemies; they are our political opponents.


I think almost everybody in the country falls on one side of at least one of these pairings, or somewhere along a continuum from left to right. I will briefly list them and then explain each pair below.


Matchup 101: Government versus Businesses 

Matchup 102: Feminist Media versus Conservative Media

Matchup 103: Liberalism versus Conservatism

Matchup 104: Democratic Party politicians versus Republican Party politicians

Matchup 105: Government schools and colleges versus Non-government schools and colleges

Matchup 106: Feminist Underclass versus Center Right Americans


I made an initialism out of the groups on the left: F.L.S.U.Gb.Dpp. The groups are Feminists, Liberals, Socialists, the Underclass, Government bureaucrats, and Democratic Party politicians. (The initialism is slightly different, and in a slightly different order, than the order of the matchups for my own ease of memory.)



Matchup 101: Government versus Businesses


This used to be our government (democracy) and our economy (private enterprise, entrepreneurial, supply and demand, free market, capitalism). Feminists want a socialist government and a socialist economy. To accomplish their goal of a socialist economy, they first need a socialist government.


I’m sorry to say that, at present, feminists are steadily achieving their first goal. If they can control the government, they can control businesses and everything else through taxation, legislation, litigation, and regulation.


I don’t have to tell you that the government is huge. 


There are around 20 million federal, state, and local bureaucrats.

There are around 140 million private sector employees.


So one out of every eight workers in our country is a Government bureaucrat.

1 out of every 8.


The federal budget spending is $3.5 trillion.

The size of the U.S. economy -- the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) -- is $15.5 trillion.


So one out of every four dollars in our economy goes to support the government.

1 out of every 4.


The financial shape our country is in right now reminds me of the following story. A guy jumps off of a 100-story building and he’s falling and picking up speed and is still falling when someone leans out of a second-story window and yells, “hey, how’s it going?” And the guy says, “well, it’s going just fine so far.”


The federal budget is running yearly deficits of over $1 trillion, which is added to the already $16 trillion in total national debt.

We’re doing just fine so far.


This additional yearly deficit and amount of total national debt can continue, only, as long as we never have to pay it back, and as long as we can continue to borrow, and as long as we can continue to print money, and as long as we can continue to raise taxes, and as long as inflation/deflation doesn’t get out of control, and as long as interest rates and interest payments on the debt don’t grow, and as long as the deficit, debt, and servicing the debt, don’t harm the U.S. economy, and as long as the debt of the U.S. economy doesn’t harm the world’s economy – then we will all be just fine.


We need a balanced budget amendment.


Congressman Ron Paul’s “Plan to Restore America” is a detailed plan to balance the budget. Search for it on the Internet.


Another solution is to limit the growth of government to 1% or 2% per year. Eventually, revenue will come into balance with spending. But this assumes politicians can discipline themselves (they can’t) to limit growth for several years.


Private sector business is also huge and it can do a lot to battle government control, so I have this matchup as even.



Matchup 102: Feminist Media versus Conservative Media


Media culture is powerful which is why I have this pairing second to our government and economy.


What I call the Feminist Media is what other people call the liberal media, or mainstream media, or lamestream media, or what Susan Swift of calls the Make-Believe Media, or what John Nolte of calls the Democratic Party media, or what Michael Savage calls the government-media complex.


All of the above are correct.


But I want to propose a friendly competition among all of us Center Right Americans. Which one of these descriptions do you think is the most accurate?


The old standby “liberal media” has been around for a while, so I want you to give this question some thought and some time and then decide on one.


I believe describing it as the Feminist Media is more accurate and comprehensive than the others because the feminists’ political platform is almost identical to that of the liberals and socialists, but it also takes into account the feminists’ preferred form of government and economy, and it takes into account the feminists’ lack of respect for men and our country’s institutions, and it takes into account how every time there is a comparison between men and women, the Feminist Media portrays men as worse, and/or women as better.


Michael Barone is quoted as saying the press is “one of America’s most pro-feminist institutions.” (From Bernard Goldberg’s book, Bias, page 61.) Michael Barone is wrong. The press isn’t one of the most pro-feminist institutions. It is the feminist institution! Which is why I call it the Feminist Media.


Up until the 1980s, the Feminist Media of print and TV had us outnumbered 100 to 1. Things started to change due to the unpopularity of feminism itself, the rise of talk radio, demographic changes, and the Internet. 


Things have improved a lot but the Feminist Media still has the conservative media outnumbered at least 10 to 1.



Matchup 103: Liberals versus Conservatives


This is an elite group of intellectuals whose preciosity is unsurpassed. Examples: Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley Jr. The people in this pairing are small in number but wealthy and influential. This pairing lends intellectualism and sophistication to each side.

This pairing includes think tanks and foundations.


Liberals’ resources have the conservatives’ resources outnumbered 10 to 1.



Matchup 104: Democratic Party politicians versus Republican Party politicians


One president, 50 governors, 535 members of the U.S. Congress, and around 7,314 members of the state legislatures. There are a few Independents among them but most are Democrats or Republicans.


Republicans have just recently achieved parity. The Democrats controlled the U.S. House from 1954 to 1994. 40 solid years! Republicans can win elections on all levels now.


I have this matchup as even.



Matchup 105: Government schools and colleges versus Non-government schools and colleges


If you want to know where FLSUGbDpp is going in the future, read old books about hard-core feminism.


From Alison Jaggar’s book, Feminist Politics and Human Nature. Page 195:


[For example, both Onora O’Neill and D.A. Lloyd Thomas argue that genuine equality of opportunity would require that children be removed from their parents’ care and control to be reared in state nurseries. Only in this way, they argue, would it be possible to guarantee to each child the equal “distribution of health care, diet, socialization, consideration and respect, as well as of schooling, which would ensure the same distribution of competencies.”]


From The Washington Post, “Obama touts plan for universal preschool.” By Zachary A. Goldfarb. February 14, 2013.


[Barnett said that it would be better to provide universal preschool education starting at age three or two, but it makes sense to start at 4 given the available resources. “It makes sense from a purely practical point of view to consolidate 4-year-olds before you move on to three,” he said.]


The ratio of government school students to non-government school students is 9 to 1.



Matchup 106: Feminist Underclass versus Center Right Americans


The only difference between feminists and the Underclass is that feminists have jobs.


Their attitude – politics, lifestyle, outlook on life, religion, and philosophy -- is one-and-the-same. “We’re oppressed. We’re victims. Life owes us a living. This is all everybody else’s fault but ours.”


There are 30 million adult members, of all races, of the Underclass.


The Feminist Media advocates for the Underclass. They even advocate for the homeless and criminal class – subsets of the Underclass. Watch how often they portray criminals as victims.


One example of a criminal portrayed as a victim is Troy Davis. I will point you straight to the rest of the story with the following articles:

“Cop-Killer Is Media’s Latest Baby Seal.” Ann Coulter. September 21, 2011.

“There Is No Travesty of Justice in Georgia. Execute Troy Davis.” Erik Erickson. September 21, 2011.   


I will let you guess what percentage of the 20 million Government bureaucrats vote for the Democrats. And, I will let you guess what percentage of the 30 million Underclass adults vote for the Democrats. Not all eligible voters are registered to vote, but note that Democrats can get almost half of their vote total just from people completely dependent on the government for a paycheck or a welfare check.


Because we have just as many voters as they have – the proof is we can win just as many elections – I have this matchup as even.


I could summarize everything written above as:

Liberals want to control the government.

Socialists want to control the economy.

Feminists want to control the culture.

Feminists, liberals, and socialists are three-of-a-kind, one-and-the-same.


March 03, 2013